Surrounding area • Caves, chasms and prehistory

Village de la Madeleine

Magdalenian cave village

Village de la Madeleine

A troglodyte village in the Vézère valley, the village of La Madeleine is one of the best-preserved sites. It is divided into 3 parts corresponding to 3 historical layers, of which only 2 can be visited.

On the middle level, you’ll visit the troglodytic village built into the rock and inhabited from the 9th to the 19th century, and on the upper level the Château-fort de petit Marzac. Beyond, you’ll enjoy a beautiful view of the Vézère.

One discovery after another, researchers made an extraordinary find: an engraving of a mammoth on a fragment of the same animal’s tusk! And it was thanks to the discovery of this site that they decided to associate the name of La Madeleine with the last culture of the Upper Palaeolithic: the Magdalenian.

A visit to the troglodytic village of La Madeleine is a walk through the ages and the different habitats on the site. You’ll be charmed by the small Gothic chapel dating from the 15th century and the ruins of the fortified castle, tucked away in the middle of the countryside.

We visited it for you ! Distance from La Barde: 35 minutes

We recommend you take a guided tour, then head down to the farm to get an overview of the whole village and discover the world of farming (exhibitions, animals, vegetable garden…). Several activities are offered during the summer, for young and old alike.

For more information :  Village de la madeleine