Surrounding area • Castles and fortified houses

Château de Commarque

Coseigniory from the 12th to the 15th century

Château de Commarque

Overlooking the Beune valley, the Commarque site was inhabited from prehistoric times to the end of the 16th century. Three major excavation campaigns have shown that, from the 12th to the 15th centuries, several identified lineages lived together on the site, forming a lordship: the Beynacs, the Cendrieux, the Commarques, the Escars, the Gondrix and the La Chapelle.

In serious danger of collapsing, it was not until 1962 that Hubert de Commarque undertook to save the Château, enabling him to salvage a large part of the existing walls. During your visit, you’ll discover the cave, the troglodytic dwellings, and above all the medieval castrum and Romanesque keep.

The tour is self-guided (booklet translated into 6 languages), but in summer you can take a guided tour, offered 5 times a day. Several workshops are also offered, and included in the price of the ticket, during the school holidays and bank holiday weekends: archery, cave drawings and stone sculpture.

We visited it for you ! Distance from La Barde: 30 minutes

To reach the castel, take a lovely walk through the woods of just under 1km. At your destination, it’s a ruined site that’s still undergoing renovation, but its mysterious atmosphere will entice you to take a closer look. At the top of the dungeon, a superb landscape unfolds before you.